- (????), (????) to (????), Amelia
- (????), Amelia to (????), Atha
- (????), Audrey to (????), Caroline
- (????), Caroline to (????), Connie
- (????), Connie to (????), Electa
- (????), Electa to (????), Ella
- (????), Ella to (????), Eva
- (????), Eva to (????), Gracie M.
- (????), Gracy to (????), Ida B.
- (????), Ida M to (????), Jeruah
- (????), Jerusha to (????), Kim
- (????), Kim to (????), Louisa
- (????), Louisa to (????), Mamye
- (????), Manae to (????), Martha
- (????), Martha to (????), Mary
- (????), Mary to (????), Mary T.
- (????), Mary T. to (????), Nancy A.
- (????), Nancy A. to (????), Phyllis
- (????), Phyllis to (????), Sally
- (????), Sally to (????), Sarah M.
- (????), Sarah M. to (????), Terry
- (????), Thankful to Abell, Sally
- Abeln, Elizabeth to Adams, Charles Luther
- Adams, Charles Virgil to Adams, Moscow Thompson
- Adams, Moses to Ainsworth, Sallie
- Ainsworth, Sarah Hannah to Aldrich, Donald
- Aldrich, Donna to Alexander, Nathaniel
- Alexander, Nathaniel to Allen, Clarence A.
- Allen, Clarence Eugene to Allen, Linnie H.
- Allen, Linwood F. to Alley, Ira L.
- Alley, James B. to Alton, Sarah A.
- Altoona, Vernie to Ames, Sally J.
- Ames, Sam Stevenson to Anderson, Jordan Ross
- Anderson, Joseph Kevin to Andrews, David
- Andrews, David Key to Angle, Robert Thomas
- Anglin, Marie C. to Arcuri, Philip Anthony
- Ardagh, Jane Elizabeth to Arniel, Thomas
- Arniss, Elizabeth to Ashley, George M.
- Ashley, Hannah to Atkins, William S.
- Atkinson, (child) to Atwater, Mary Ann
- Atwater, Mary E. to Austin, Maude S.
- Austin, Maude Stella to Baalman, Joseph Herman
- Babb, Alice Almeta to Bader, Nicholas
- Badershal, Alice to Bailey, Fred
- Bailey, Fred Eugene to Baker, Clara Belle
- Baker, Clara Malissa to Baker, Robert S.
- Baker, Robert Wayne to Baldwin, Lester
- Baldwin, Lewis W. to Ball, (child)
- Ball, (child) to Ball, (daughter)
- Ball, (daughter) to Ball, (son)
- Ball, (son) to Ball, Abigail
- Ball, Abigail to Ball, Adrienne
- Ball, Adrienne Irene to Ball, Alfred Pelton
- Ball, Alfred Plinney to Ball, Alma Jane
- Ball, Alma Louise to Ball, Amos
- Ball, Amos to Ball, Anna
- Ball, Anna to Ball, Annie F.
- Ball, Annie Larkie to Ball, Augusta J.
- Ball, Augusta M. to Ball, Benjamin Franklin
- Ball, Benjamin Franklin to Ball, Betsey Evelyn
- Ball, Betsey Finette to Ball, Caleb
- Ball, Caleb to Ball, Carrie L.
- Ball, Carrie L. to Ball, Charles
- Ball, Charles to Ball, Charles H.
- Ball, Charles H. to Ball, Charlotte J.
- Ball, Charlotte Jane to Ball, Clarence M.
- Ball, Clarence Vere to Ball, Cornelia
- Ball, Cornelia to Ball, Daniel Jerome
- Ball, Daniel Joseph to Ball, Deborah J.
- Ball, Deborah Lou to Ball, Donna Frances
- Ball, Donna L. to Ball, Dwight Whitney
- Ball, Dyer (Rev.) to Ball, Edna Leora
- Ball, Edna Louise to Ball, Edwin L.
- Ball, Edwin Lawrence to Ball, Elisha Elsworth
- Ball, Elisha P. to Ball, Elizabeth
- Ball, Elizabeth to Ball, Elizabeth Jane
- Ball, Elizabeth Janson to Ball, Elmer
- Ball, Elmer to Ball, Emily J.
- Ball, Emily J. to Ball, Erma Mary
- Ball, Ermennie N. to Ball, Etta E.
- Ball, Etta Ellen to Ball, Evelyn E.
- Ball, Evelyn Ella to Ball, Florence A.
- Ball, Florence A. to Ball, Francis
- Ball, Francis to Ball, Fred Alton
- Ball, Fred Arthur to Ball, George
- Ball, George to Ball, George Ransom
- Ball, George Raymond to Ball, Gideon J.
- Ball, Gideon Olin to Ball, Hallie Charles
- Ball, Hallie M. to Ball, Harold Eugene
- Ball, Harold F. to Ball, Harry
- Ball, Harry to Ball, Helen Elaine
- Ball, Helen Elizabeth to Ball, Henry Hartwell
- Ball, Henry Hayward to Ball, Hosea
- Ball, Hosea to Ball, Ira Jay
- Ball, Ira Jesse to Ball, Jacob
- Ball, Jacob to Ball, James Henry
- Ball, James Henry to Ball, Jane P.
- Ball, Jane Reynolds to Ball, Jerome Green
- Ball, Jerome Harrison to Ball, John
- Ball, John to Ball, John Clark
- Ball, John Clement to Ball, John W.
- Ball, John W. to Ball, Joseph Gilbert
- Ball, Joseph Gilbert to Ball, Julia Ann
- Ball, Julia Ann to Ball, Keith Eugene
- Ball, Keith Gale to Ball, Lavina M.
- Ball, Lavina Marie to Ball, Leta V.
- Ball, Letha Mae to Ball, Lizetta
- Ball, Lizzie to Ball, Louise
- Ball, Louise to Ball, Lucy
- Ball, Lucy to Ball, Lydia
- Ball, Lydia to Ball, Mae Laurea
- Ball, Mae P. to Ball, Margaret E.
- Ball, Margaret E. to Ball, Marietta P.
- Ball, Marietta S. to Ball, Martha Ann
- Ball, Martha B. to Ball, Mary
- Ball, Mary to Ball, Mary
- Ball, Mary to Ball, Mary Anna
- Ball, Mary Anna to Ball, Mary Ella
- Ball, Mary Ellen to Ball, Mary Louise
- Ball, Mary Louise to Ball, Maude Agatha
- Ball, Maude Ann to Ball, Michael H.
- Ball, Michael J. to Ball, Molly Mae
- Ball, Mona C. to Ball, Nancy Asenath
- Ball, Nancy Belle to Ball, Nellie M.
- Ball, Nellie M. to Ball, Olive
- Ball, Olive to Ball, Patrick
- Ball, Patrick to Ball, Phebe
- Ball, Phebe to Ball, Rachel
- Ball, Rachel to Ball, Rebecca H.
- Ball, Rebecca Harriet to Ball, Robert
- Ball, Robert to Ball, Rosa Julia
- Ball, Rosa M. to Ball, Ruth
- Ball, Ruth to Ball, Samuel
- Ball, Samuel to Ball, Sarah
- Ball, Sarah to Ball, Sarah E.
- Ball, Sarah E. to Ball, Sharon
- Ball, Sharon to Ball, Stephen
- Ball, Stephen to Ball, Susanna
- Ball, Susanna to Ball, Theron
- Ball, Theron to Ball, Vashti
- Ball, Velma to Ball, Walter G.
- Ball, Walter George to Ball, William
- Ball, William to Ball, William H.
- Ball, William H. to Ball, Wilma Ellen
- Ball, Wilma F. to Balls, Mary
- Balls, Mary to Barbee, Sylvia Mae
- Barber, (????) to Barfitt, Lydia Sarah
- Barger, Dorothy H. to Barnes, Edward S.
- Barnes, Elbridge F. to Barney, Rebecca R.
- Barney, Rose to Barrett, Lucy Sarah
- Barrett, Mabel Susan to Bartlett, Elizabeth
- Bartlett, Elizabeth E. to Barton, Elizabeth Hester
- Barton, Elizabeth Jane to Barton, Wyman George
- Bartosh, Dorothy Marie to Bates, John B.
- Bates, Juliette to Bayne, Walter Leon
- Bayon, Augustus to Beach, William M.
- Beachler, Deloris Joan to Beamis, Emily
- Beamish, Margarette to Beauchamp, Worth John
- Beauchenes, Agnes to Bedient, Sally
- Bednar, Wendy Jo to Belanger, Velma Viola
- Belbin, Julia to Bemis, Julius W.
- Bemis, Kate to Bennett, Ada Hester Amelia
- Bennett, Ada Maria to Bennett, Mary
- Bennett, Mary to Bent, Solomon D.
- Benteen, Petrine A. to Berry, Levi S.
- Berry, Lewis to Bianchi, Marie Theresa
- Bianco, (son) to Bigelow, Mary Jane
- Bigelow, Mary Sanborn to Bills, Harriet Virtue
- Bills, Harrold Edward to Birt, Thomas Neal
- Bisaillon, Clemence to Black, Robert Eugene
- Black, Ruby Ellen to Blake, George H.
- Blake, George M. to Blanchard, William C.
- Blanche, (????) to Blatchley, Thomas
- Blatchley, Zophar to Bliss, Pitt
- Bliss, Polly to Blue, Uriah Selsby
- Blum, Gerlad to Boerckel, Winfield Scott
- Boersma, (????) to Bolton, William W.
- Boman, Alonzo A. to Boots, John Denton
- Booy, Petronella B. to Bouck, Mary Ann
- Boudreau, Elroy to Bowen, Moses
- Bowen, Moses to Bowles, Warren
- Bowley, Arvilla to Boynton, Jonas T.
- Boynton, Joshua to Bradley, Hannah
- Bradley, Harriet to Brainard, Minnie
- Brainerd, Ada May to Bray, Wilburn Elliott
- Brayley, Charles Henry to Brewer, Mary F.
- Brewer, Mary Frances to Briggs, George V.
- Briggs, Gerald Ermel to Brightman, Sarah
- Brigle, Frederika to Brittan, Simeon A.
- Britten, Elmer G. to Broocks, Ada
- Brook, Janet to Brooks, Wilda Inez
- Broome, Amy to Brown, Augustus Sargent
- Brown, Austin Nathaniel Carter to Brown, Gary Lee
- Brown, George to Brown, Martha
- Brown, Martha Almira to Brown, Wesley Nason
- Brown, William to Brunson, Sarah M.
- Brunt, (????) to Bryant, James
- Bryant, James Frederick to Buchanan, William E.
- Buchel, Jacob to Buffum, Thomsine
- Bugbee, Anna to Bundy, Wilson
- Bunell, Sally Thorpe to Burger, William
- Burgert, (????) to Burlingame, Lillie
- Burlington, Mildred Imogene to Burns, Kallan
- Burns, Kent C. to Burt, Consuelo
- Burt, Daniel Freeman to Bush, Ollie
- Bush, Patty to Butler, William Todd
- Butler, Willie B. to Byrnes, John Philip
- Byron, Catherine to Calkins, Shirley Jean
- Call, Andre to Camp, William
- Campbell, (????) to Campfield, Joseph Alfred
- Campfield, Lucetta Frances to Card, Zuby
- Carder, Hannah to Carman, Ruth W.
- Carmean, Emmanual Sanders to Carpenter, Lucy Ann
- Carpenter, Mabel Ellen to Carrier, Rosetta Edith
- Carrier, Sarah to Cartwright, Lin
- Caruthers, Lori Rene Simone to Cassel, Wilfred
- Casselman, Joyce E. to Celata, Marinello Mikel
- Celeste, Anthony to Chambers, Victoria Evangeline
- Chambers, Wanda Jo to Chapin, Warren
- Chaplin, Amanda Claire to Charlesworth, Vernon Robinson
- Charleton, Alice to Chatfield, Hannah
- Chatfield, Hannah to Cheney, William Heath
- Chenoweth, Ira S. to Childs, Lyman
- Childs, Lyman Beecher to Chrowl, Nancy
- Chubbuck, Matilda to Clapp, Hannah
- Clapp, Hannah to Clark, David
- Clark, Dayton to Clark, Joseph
- Clark, Joseph to Clark, Sarah
- Clark, Sarah to Clayton, William
- Cleak, Martha Earle to Clements, William R.
- Clemis, Marion Muriel to Clipsham, William
- Clisbee, Emily to Cobb, Naomi
- Cobb, Nathan to Coe, William Seth
- Coen, Barbara to Colbran, William Henry
- Colbran, William James to Cole, Lydia
- Cole, Lydia to Colligan, Norine Margaret
- Colligan, Percival Edgar to Colton, Hannah
- Colton, Hannah to Compton, William D.
- Comstock, (????) to Conley, William
- Conliffe, Eva Gertrude to Cook, Delma M.
- Cook, Desiree to Cookson, Ruth Ethelwyn
- Cool, Lyda Ann to Cooper, Mable A.
- Cooper, Margaret Ann to Corbett, Jean
- Corbett, Jerid to Corey, Merribah
- Corey, Patrick to Cory, Soloman
- Cory, Solomon T. to Covalt, Norman
- Cove, (????) to Cox, William F.
- Coy, (????) to Cramblett, Sue
- Cramer, Catherine to Cranston, William M.
- Crapo, George H. to Creen, Thomas Addison
- Crees, (daughter) to Crocker, Zacheus
- Crocket, Henrietta M. to Cross, Willie F.
- Cross-Comarotti, Mya Aoura to Cruickshank, Susan Moneta
- Cruikshank, Harriet Jane to Cummings, Margaret
- Cummings, Mark to Currier, Zella Mabel
- Curry, Abigail to Curtis, Jennie
- Curtis, Jennie Evelyn to Cushing, Judith A.
- Cushing, Lavina G. to Cutting, Willard
- Cutts, Audrey Vivian to Dailey, Lewis Bates
- Dailey, Linda to Danforth, William
- Dangel, Elsie E. to Dart, Stanley M.
- Darter, David to Davis, Adeline Bent
- Davis, Adeline Mary to Davis, Flora May
- Davis, Flora Virginia to Davis, Lovina
- Davis, Lucinda H. to Davis, Verna Iola
- Davis, Vernon Ray to Day, Robert V.
- Day, Robin to Deaton, Ralph O.
- Deats, Isabelle to DeHaven, Zeruah Jane
- Dehn, Doris Marguerita to Deming, Wayne H.
- Demord, Catherine to Densmore, Gerald Francis
- Densmore, Grace Lillian to Derifield, William Oscar
- Dering, Elizabeth Ann to Dexheimer, Martin
- Dexter, Anna to Dickerman, Stephen
- Dickerson, Albert to Dill, Wallace
- Dillard, Ethel to Dixon, Isabelle
- Dixon, Jane to Dodds, Victoria Lynn
- Dodge, (daughter) to Doggett, William
- Dogherra, Bryan to Donelson, Horace Loren
- Donelson, Horace Loren to Dorn, William
- Dornberger, Arthur S. to Douglas, Willie
- Douglass, Alice M. to Downes, James E.
- Downey, (????) (Dr.) to Doyle, Jane
- Doyle, Joan to Drew, William
- Drewer, Phebe to Dudley, William Herbert
- Dudney, Brian to Duncan, Weston Edward
- Duncklee, Phebe S. to Dunning, Eliza
- Dunning, Eliza Morton to Durgin, William
- Durham, Ann Janette to Dutton, Susannah
- Duty, Albert Edwin to Earhart, William
- Earl, Alanson to Eastman, Tina
- Eastman, Veora Ada Genevieve to Eddy, William John
- Eddys, Katherine to Edwards, Lyman
- Edwards, Mabel Rose to Eighmy, Dot
- Eighmy, Edgar E. to Elder, Zada
- Eldgridge, James to Elliott, Edna Judd
- Elliott, Edward Robert to Ellison, W.W.
- Elliston, Lillian to Emerson, Richard
- Emerson, Richard Gene to Ennis, Sarah A.
- Eno, Abigail to Estabrooke, Seanath J.
- Estell, Della to Evans, Rita M.
- Evans, Robely Nutter to Fahey, Robert
- Fahrion, (son) to Fallon, Delia
- Falls, Carol to Farr, William King
- Farran, Elisabeth to Fawcett, Susan Jane
- Fawl, Charles James to Fenner, Pamelia
- Fenno, Mercy to Ferris, Williard Raymond
- Ferriss, Arthur Leonard Guy to Fields, William
- Fieldus, Albert Lewis to Fish, Edith Covert
- Fish, Edmund Livingstone to Fisher, William Howard
- Fishman, Evaline Jane to Fitzgibbons, Raymond F.
- Fitzharris, Judith to Fleenor, Kathryn Virginia
- Fleetwood, Fanny D. to Flood, Thomas John
- Flora, Eugene W. to Foote, Thankful
- Foran, (????) to Ford, Zebina
- Fordahl, Marie Louise to Foss, Evelyn Louise
- Foss, Everett W. to Foster, Hazel Marie
- Foster, Helen to Fouche, Tabitha
- Foulds, (????) to Fox, Tabitha
- Fox, Thomas to Fraser, Mary Elizabeth
- Fraser, Sarah to Freidrichs, William Mauck
- Freiermuth, Anna Mary to French, Orville
- French, Pauline to Fronsman, Sarah
- Frost, (????) to Fuller, Elizabeth
- Fuller, Elizabeth to Fulty, James
- Fultz, Eva to Gaiser, Violet
- Gaiza, Brandi Mae to Gallun, Richard A.
- Gallup, (child) to Gardner, Ira
- Gardner, Irene M. Christina to Garrity, William
- Garry, Eliza L. to Gates, Kimberly Helen
- Gates, LaVonne Leonaine to Geer, Theodore
- Geers, Lydia Ann T. to Gerstner, Mary E.
- Gervais, Florence E. to Giguere, Marjorie Faye
- Gilbert, (daughter) to Gillenwater, Maxine E.
- Gillespie, Bernard to Gilmore, Gordon Leonard
- Gilmore, Grace to Glade, Walter Henry
- Gladson, Elizabeth to Glover, Lillian M.
- Glover, Lucy to Goff, Thelma
- Goff, Vittoria Elizabeth to Goodau, George
- Goodberry, Alvira to Goodman, Victoria Ruth
- Goodno, Martha Elizabeth to Goodwin, Wlater Leon
- Goodwine, Amanda to Gordon, Zipporah C.
- Gorecki, Robert to Gott, Zenith May
- Gottschalk, Elizabeth N. to Graef, Van Edwards
- Graeff, David to Grainger, Stephen Wade
- Gramkow, Edward Earnest to Graves, Mary L.
- Graves, Mehitable to Gray, John Beverly
- Gray, John Beverly to Green, David H.
- Green, David H. to Greene, Joseph
- Greene, Julia Bruce to Gregerson, Vana C.
- Gregg, (????) to Griggs, Solomon Lathrop
- Grigsby, Bud to Gross, Melva M.
- Gross, Nellie A. to Guild, Timothy John
- Guile, Andrew to Gylman, Sarah
- Haack, Meta O. to Hadstate, Riley
- Haefner, Betty to Hale, Lucy
- Hale, Lula D. to Hall, John
- Hall, John to Hallstein, Ina M.
- Hally, Mary to Hamilton, William Wayne
- Hamler, Alexandria to Hancock, Thomas
- Hancox, Ann to Hanson, Nellie S.
- Hanson, Patricia Ann to Hardy, Wintfred M.
- Hare, Alanna Maureen to Harper, Winnifred
- Harrel, (????) to Harris, Mary
- Harris, Mary to Harrison, Sarah Elizabeth
- Harrison, Sarah Emma to Hartman, Robert
- Hartman, Robert to Harvey, Zachariah (Dr.)
- Harvill, (????) to Hastings, Harriet Newell
- Hastings, Harry Cummings to Hatch, Susan
- Hatch, Sylvanus to Hawes, Mary
- Hawk, Alvin S. to Hayden, Daniel
- Hayden, Daniel Webster to Hayes, Vera
- Hayes, Washington to Hayward, William George
- Haywood, Alpheus to Heath, Joshua
- Heath, Josie A. to Heitz, William
- Heki, Elmeda Jane to Hendershot, Mary
- Hendershott, Adra to Hennis, Lila Butana
- Henrie, Elizabeth Ann to Herring, Trinadi Michele
- Herrington, Eli to Hewitt, William T.
- Hewston, Henry Wesley to Higgins, Robert
- Higgins, Ruth to Hill, Daphne A.
- Hill, Daphnia May to Hill, Sarah
- Hill, Sarah to Hinds, William
- Hindsan, Emma to Hitchcock, Ada E.
- Hitchcock, Adaline to Hitchcock, Flavia
- Hitchcock, Florence to Hitchcock, Luther Wheatley
- Hitchcock, Luther White to Hitchcock, Roxa
- Hitchcock, Roxana to Hobart, Louise Mildred
- Hobart, Margaret to Hodgson, William Brian
- Hodsdon, Albion H. to Holbrook, Rufus W.
- Holbrook, Salla to Holliday, Timothy Alan
- Hollinger, Cora M. to Holmes, Mona Georgina
- Holmes, Myrtle to Holway, William
- Holyoke, Rebecca H. to Hopkins, James Donald
- Hopkins, Jan to Hornibrook, Emma E.
- Horning, (????) to Houck, Russell Leo
- Hough, Alexander to Howard, Edward D.
- Howard, Edward D. to Howe, Elsie Lucina
- Howe, Elsina J. to Howell, William
- Howell, William Lewis to Hoyt, Wilson
- Hozier, Clementine Ogilvy to Hudson, Lura
- Hudson, Mae Belle to Hughes, T.
- Hughes, Thirza to Hull, Samuel Potter
- Hull, Sarah to Hundertmark, William Hagaman
- Hundley, Priscilla A. to Hunter, Felix
- Hunter, Flora B. to Hurd, Phebe
- Hurd, Roy L. to Hutson, William Joseph
- Hutt, Adam to Iler, Virgil Ray
- Iles, Alice Neva to Ireland, William
- Ireson, Abby A. to Ives, Sally
- Ives, Sally to Jackson, William Henry
- Jackson, William Henry to James, Sarah Maria
- James, Stella Winnifred to Jenkins, Hannah
- Jenkins, Hannah to Jerome, Zerubbabel
- Jeskey, Mary Magdeline to Johnson, Ada Risley
- Johnson, Addie to Johnson, Eleanor
- Johnson, Eleanor to Johnson, James Walter
- Johnson, Jamie-Dawn Maureen to Johnson, Mary E.
- Johnson, Mary E. to Johnson, William Tyler
- Johnson, William Waterman to Jones, Charlott G.
- Jones, Charlotte to Jones, Lovina Adelia
- Jones, Lucille Elaine to Jonsson, William
- Joos, Al to Julius, Lorelei Cantzler
- Jump, (????) to Kanouse, John George
- Kanouse, John George to Keating, Teresa M.
- Keck, Mary E. to Keith, William Anthony
- Keleher, Kathryn M. to Kelly, Cathrine
- Kelly, Cecil to Kempton, Mary Ellen
- Kenaston, Asa to Kennedy, Martin
- Kennedy, Mary to Ker, Clara Belle
- Ker, Daniel Thomas to Kershner, Samuel
- Kerslake, Betsey to Kiewel, Lafern
- Kiffer, Edith Adelva to Kime, Sarah Ann
- Kimes, Almira A. to King, Phebe
- King, Phoebe A. to Kinstry, L.
- Kintner, Lucy B. to Kitson, Emily May
- Kittel, Emilie to Knapp, Mabel
- Knapp, Mabel Turner to Knob, Harriet Gertrude
- Knochin, Joe to Kolesik, Leigha
- Koll, Frederick to Kreis, Sarah B.
- Kremer, Bertha Agnes to La Quay, William
- La Rochelle, Hazel Josephine to Lackore, Margaret
- Lackore, Margaret Louise to LaDue, Thomas
- LaFauntain, Nelson R. to Lambert, Maude
- Lambert, Michelle to Landon, William Jay
- Landreth, (????) to Langstroth, William Gray
- Langwith, Mary to Larocca, P.
- LaRoche, Amedie to Launspach, Vera Josephine
- Lauren, Marjorie to Lawrence, Phyllis Janice
- Lawrence, Richard Paul to Leach, Sylvia
- Leach, Temperance to Lee, George O.
- Lee, George Oliver to LeFebvre, Zenaide Eulalie
- Lefevre, Eliza J. to Lentz, Timothy
- Lenz, Alonzo Pettit to Lester, Virgil
- Lesure, Abigail to Lewis, Nathan
- Lewis, Nathaniel to Lilliman, Laura Loretta
- Lilly, (????) to Lindsey, Mary P.
- Lindsey, Mehitable to Linstead, William Herbert
- Linstrom, Ulla Lena to Little, Vivian Rose
- Little, Vyneta to Lloyd, David J.
- Lloyd, David James to Lodge, Vanessa
- Loew, Timothy to Long, Mary Virginia
- Long, Maud to Loscavio, Maria
- Losch, Adolph Otto to Lovell, William B.
- Lovely, Janet to Lubee, Mildred Lucille
- Lubertazzi, (????) to Lull, Augustus
- Lum, Amelia to Lyman, Lena
- Lyman, Louise Jeanne to Lyons, William H.
- Lysak, Anthony to MacDonald, Thomas Edward
- MacDonald, Verna Dorothy to MacMillan, Warren Brokaw
- MacNeal, Christina to Mahan, Wilfred Joseph
- Maher, Cosmos to Mallett, Hannah M.
- Mallette, Amanda to Mann, Laura B.
- Mann, Lemuel Shepard to Mansur, Mary Pomeroy
- Mantel, Austin Scott to Markle, Erie Alberta
- Markovich, Mary to Marsh, John Wesley
- Marsh, Jonathan to Martin, Anne
- Martin, Annie to Martin, Timothy
- Martin, Twila Mae to Masters, William C.
- Masterson, Carrie Belle to Matthews, Josephine
- Matthews, Julius to Maxwell, William H.
- May, A. Gwyndolyn to McAfee, Lucinda Zeldia
- McAffee, Hannah J. to McCallum, Wendy Mae
- McCamon, Mary Louise to McClory, Sean Joseph
- McClosky, Annie E. to McCoy, William A.
- McCracken, Alice to McCumber, Sarah
- McCune, Harriet Elizabeth to McDonald, Zena
- McDonnell, Amelia to McFarlin, Minerva
- McFarling, Nellie Marie to McGrew, William Henry
- McGriff, Jessie Vida to McIntyre, Lawrence Herbert
- McIntyre, Lawrence Herbert to McKinley, Frank Robert
- McKinley, Gary to McLaughlin, Samuel
- McLaughlin, Sarah to McMullen, Zilla
- McMullin, Racheal to McRae, Stanley Lochie
- McRainey, John H. to Mealings, Margaret
- Mealor, Patricia Elaine to Meeker, Mary Caroline
- Meeker, Mary Electa to Mercer, Thomas Wailliam
- Mercham, Mary Elizabeth to Merriman, Abbie Eaton
- Merriman, Abbie May to Merriman, Joseph
- Merriman, Joseph to Merritt, Viola
- Merrow, Geneva Mae to Metzger, Lucinda
- Metzger, Mahala to Miles, Sarah L.
- Mileson, Elizabeth to Miller, Anthony
- Miller, Artelius Oscar to Miller, James L.
- Miller, James Marton to Miller, Ruby Flavilla
- Miller, Ruel to Mills, Mary
- Mills, Mary to Mitchell, Betty
- Mitchell, Caroline to Mnu, Myrtle
- Moak, Barbara to Monroe, Susan Emmeline
- Monroe, Susie to Moon, Sharon Lynn
- Mooney, Alice Wilder to Moore, Hannah
- Moore, Harriet to Moore, Susan
- Moore, Susan Grace to Morgan, Clara Maria
- Morgan, Clarissa to Morrill, Jennett
- Morrill, John to Morrison, Louise Natalie
- Morrison, Lucile to Morse, Zeruiah
- Mortensen, Agnes Theoline to Mosso, Yvonne Georgianna
- Mosteller, Helen Cora to Muir, Wendy
- Muirhead, Dottie to Munroe, William R.
- Munsell, Stanley Wayne to Murphy, Zoe
- Murray, (????) to Muzzy, Sally
- Myatt, Lela B. to Myers, Mary
- Myers, Mary A. to Nash, William M.
- Nason, Alan Bernard to Neil, Shirley Lois
- Neild, Edith Nona to Nelson, Wilma Christine
- Nemnich, Anna Laqusha to Newell, Harold Lester
- Newell, Harriot Marie to Newton, Isaac
- Newton, Isaac to Nichols, James
- Nichols, James to Nigh, Tammy
- Nighswonger, Charles to Noble, Lee
- Noble, Levi to Noe, Sophia E.
- Noe, Susan to Nordvall, Kenneth Carl
- Nordyke, (son) to Norton, Linus
- Norton, Lottie to Nuhfer, (????)
- Nulf, Jean to O'Brien, Verba Lee
- O'Brien, William P. to Oaks, Vashti
- Oalkey, Georgia A. to Olin, Sarah A.
- Oliver, (????) to Onion, G. Franklin
- Onions, Frances Bolton to Orr, Edgar
- Orr, Elaine Elizabeth to Osborn, Hannah
- Osborn, Hannah to Otis, Rhoda
- Ott, Cullen Everett to Owsley, Vernon R.
- Oxley, (????) to Page, Ella
- Page, Emma Belle to Palmer, Benjamin
- Palmer, Bertha M. to Palmer, Rachel Mary
- Palmer, Ray Lee to Park, Marguerite
- Park, Martha Ann to Parker, Harry Walter
- Parker, Hattie to Parker, William
- Parker, William to Parnell, Thomas
- Parnin, (son) to Partridge, William
- Parubsky, Frances Permelia to Patterson, Sophia Catherine
- Patterson, Stuart Hayt to Payne, Madison
- Payne, Mariah to Peck, Fanny
- Peck, Fred Otis to Peelle, Robert Samuel
- Peelor, Edwin Claude to Pendleton, William B.
- Penfield, Eunice to Perkins, George
- Perkins, George A. to Perry, Mary B.
- Perry, Mary Cynthia to Pettibone, John P.
- Pettibone, Linton Webb to Phelps, Illegible
- Phelps, James Bion to Phillips, Ida Ludell
- Phillips, Ilene Violet to Pickering, William
- Picket, Louisa Nettie to Pierpont, Sophia H.
- Pierre, Danielle to Pinches, William Samuel
- Pine, Bertha to Piper, Eliza Sweetser
- Piper, Elizabeth Melville to Platt, Tina Marie
- Platts, Sarah to Pogue, William Ira Joiner
- Pohl, Cynthia Eliza to Pond, Alice
- Pond, Alice to Pond, Charlie
- Pond, Charlie Erastus to Pond, Ella
- Pond, Ella to Pond, H. Andrew
- Pond, Halcyon to Pond, John N.
- Pond, John Philip to Pond, Maria
- Pond, Maria to Pond, Nellie H.
- Pond, Nelson to Pond, Sarah
- Pond, Sarah to Pool, Nathaniel Doty
- Poole, (daughter) to Porter, Martha Pearl
- Porter, Mary to Poulin, Antonio
- Poulos, Danielle Lynn to Powers, Sarah Curtis
- Powers, Sharon Lee to Pratt, Nymphas
- Pratt, Olive to Preston, Warren
- Prettie, John Robert to Pritchett, Ruth
- Probest, Elizabeth to Prosser, Ida Arabella
- Prosser, Idela Maud to Pugh, Wesley Merwin
- Puhrmann, Lois Marlene to Quade, Mildred Myrtle
- Quance, Margaret to Quint, John A. W.
- Quint, Joseph to Rambo, Sarah
- Ramer, Ben to Rands, Joseph Leslie
- Randsof, Donald to Rawson, Lucinda
- Rawson, Lucinda to Razey, Sarah Ann
- Rea, Hannah May to Reed, John W.
- Reed, Jonathan to Reid, Elizabeth
- Reid, Elizabeth A. to Renoud, Stephen
- Renouf, Edward to Rettenmayer, Sophia R.
- Retter, Dee Ann to Rhoades, Nathan F.
- Rhoades, Nathaniel to Rice, George Milton
- Rice, Gertrude to Rich, Mary
- Rich, Mary A. to Richardson, Sally
- Richardson, Sally to Rider, Chloe Esther
- Rider, Clara Ella to Riggs, John
- Riggs, John to Risley, Orvel Badger
- Risley, Orville G. to Robbins, Rebecca
- Robbins, Richard to Roberts, Zeruah
- Robertson, Albert to Robinson, Lavina
- Robinson, Leland Ball to Rodick, William
- Rodier, Helen to Rogers, Lena Lorene
- Rogers, Leola D. to Roman, Alice
- Romano, Veronica Lenore to Rosenwald, Magdalene
- Rosette, Catherine to Rossman, Melvin
- Roston, Hettie Louise to Rowling, Ruby Alyne
- Rowning, Mary to Rusch, Mona Marie
- Rush, (????) to Rutherford, Susanna
- Ruthven, Frances Matilda to Sager, Zachary
- Sageser, Bryon Albert to Sanborn, Zena Etta
- Sanchez Sarria, Maria de los Dolores to Santangelo, Nicole
- Santee, (????) to Sargent, Roxana
- Sargent, Russell to Savage, Lillie Elizabeth Anne
- Savage, Llewellyn Turner to Sayers, Zella Delphena
- Sayler, Odetta to Schenck, William Wesley
- Scheold, Matilda A. to Schramm, Sean
- Schrantz, Elden to Schwerin, Margaret Helen
- Schwieterman, Dustin to Scott, Maude P.
- Scott, Melrose Norman to Seal, William Pascal
- Sealy, Elizabeth to Sedore, Emma
- Sedore, Emma to Seguin, Simone
- Seibel, (????) to Setser, Kathryn
- Settele, Bernhard to Shallop, Robert
- Shamponore, Lucy Jane to Shatto, William Henry
- Shattuck, Abel to Shaw, Robert
- Shaw, Robert F. to Sheldon, William
- Shelhorn, Geraldine Martha to Shepheard, Lila Butana
- Shepherd, (????) to Sherman, Margery
- Sherman, Maria Laura to Shipman, Mary A.
- Shipman, Mary Abigail to Shriber, Terri H.
- Shriner, Carol Lynn to Siggins, Leona
- Siggins, Lewis C. to Simmons, Madge S.
- Simmons, Margaret E. to Sims, William H.
- Simson, Charles to Sisiam, Tray
- Sisk, Blanche to Skirko, Thomas
- Skirko, Timothy Lawrence to Slye, Willy
- Smades, Caroline A. to Smith, Ada
- Smith, Ada B. to Smith, Charlotte
- Smith, Charlotte to Smith, Eunice
- Smith, Eunice to Smith, Ida Louisa
- Smith, Ida M. to Smith, Louisa
- Smith, Louisa to Smith, Nellie A.
- Smith, Nellie E. to Smith, Stuart
- Smith, Stuart S. to Snook, Mary Matilda
- Snover, Elizabeth Jane to Snowman, Susan Ada
- Snydal, Pauline to Sonner, Sabina Isabella
- Sook, Anna to Spaldin, Eugene
- Spalding, Albert Ruff to Spence, Margaret
- Spencer, (????) to Spilling, Lizzie
- Spilner, Allan John to Sprague, Sarah
- Sprague, Sarah to Spurling, Lindsey Marie
- Spurr, Caroline to Staffon, Ruth Earline
- Stafford, Alexa Jean to Stansberry, Michael W.
- Stansel, George to Starks, W. Maude
- Starkweather, (son) to Stearns, Phebe
- Stearns, Phila E. to Steeves, Mary A.
- Steffy, Bertha L. to Stephenson, Ruth Jane
- Stepleton, Emily Lane to Stevens, Howard Elgin
- Stevens, Ida E. to Stewart, Ethel
- Stewart, Ethel Pearl to Stilkey, Mary E.
- Still, Elizabeth to Stivers, Winifred
- Stjernsten, Christina to Stolzenburg, Louis
- Stonaker, Clifford H. to Stone, Wayne P.
- Stone, William to Stover, Alpheus
- Stover, Alvah B. to Stover, Woodbury P.
- Stow, Abbie A. to Straw, Richard
- Strawbush, Amelia to Stringer, William Thomas
- Stringfield, Alberta Naomi to Stuber, Virginia A.
- Stuck, (????) to Sullivan, Karen A.
- Sullivan, Katherine F. to Swader, Mildred F.
- Swadley, Anna to Sweeney, Winifred Halcyon
- Sweep, John to Swift, John Franklin
- Swift, John Langdon to Szeponski, Stephanie Lee
- Szitnick, Mary Agatha to Tangren, Hyrum Joseph
- Tangue, Albert to Taylor, Edward Paul
- Taylor, Electa to Tearney, Tena Sue
- Teasdale, Alice Susan to Tenney, Temperance
- Tennis, Joseph to Thayer, Walter E.
- Thayer, William to Thomas, Jennie Glennie
- Thomas, Jerry Don to Thompson, Carol Acil
- Thompson, Carol Marian to Thompson, Luella L.
- Thompson, Luella May to Thomson, Patsy Bertha Wickman
- Thomson, Samuel Douglas to Thuillard, Olive B.
- Thurber, (????) to Tiffany, William James
- Tifft, Ella Eudora to Titus, Polly
- Titus, Rachel to Tompkins, Edward D.
- Tompkins, Eleazer to Torrey, Willard
- Torry, Almira to Townsley, Melissa
- Towsley, Harriet Susan to Trende, Margarethe
- Trenholm, Dorothy Cecelia to Trotter, William
- Trottier, Celia Alice to Tschopp, Rachel M.
- Tschudi, (????) to Turner, Edith Geneva
- Turner, Edwin to Tutcher, Noel Albert
- Tutcher, Norma JoAnn to Tyrell, Estella Ann
- Tyreman, Elizabeth to Untiedt, Ruth A.
- Unverzagt, Caroline to Vail, Virgie A.
- Vaillant, Karly Emma to Van Hise, William Davis
- Van Hoen, Lester to Vancil, Walter
- Vanconant, Albinia Lucretia to Varney, William Henry Harrison
- Varnum, Daniel W. to Vey, William James
- Veyse, Nicholas to Voltz, Mabel
- Von Bergen, Barbara Jo to Wager, William H.
- Wages, Jacob to Waldo, William E.
- Waldorf, Blanche Alberta to Walker, Lola Teressa
- Walker, Louisa Barney to Wallace, Marion
- Wallace, Mary to Walters, Margaret Ann
- Walters, Mary Jane to Ward, Sarah A.
- Ward, Sarah A. to Warner, Margaret M.
- Warner, Marie Norma to Washburn, Zella Elizabeth
- Washington, (????) to Watrous, Ruby Louise
- Watson, (????) to Watts, H.
- Watts, Harriet Vail to Webb, Yvonne
- Webben, Donna R. to Webber, Tid
- Webber, Verle A. to Weed, Wilbur W.
- Weede, Lovina H. to Welch, Wanda Sue
- Welchhans, Susanna to Wellcome, William H.
- Wellen, Hattie to Wells, Zella Elvina
- Welsch, Clarence to Wesley, Louise J.
- Wessel, Bonnie Grace to Westney, Marjorie Lucille
- Weston, (daughter) to Whaley, Tracy L.
- Whaline, Edward Thomas to Wheeler, Howard Murwin
- Wheeler, Hubert Ancel to Whelpley, William
- Whelpton, Doris Ruth to White, Aline Lewis
- White, Allen Brian to White, Mamie Sue
- White, Margaret to Whitehorn, Tony
- Whitehouse, Ella to Whitney, Leonard Ezra
- Whitney, Leonore J. to Wicks, Selah
- Wickware, Alma to Wilbur, Virginia
- Wilburn, Clara Lee to Wilkes, Warren Ball
- Wilkes, William Arthur to Willey, Weltha Lois
- Willhite, Isabelle to Williams, Helen Doreen
- Williams, Helen L. to Williams, Ruth
- Williams, Ruth Ann to Willis, Julia E.
- Willis, Kate to Willoughby, Peter
- Willoughby, Peter to Wilson, (son)
- Wilson, (son) to Wilson, George W.
- Wilson, George William to Wilson, Newel H.
- Wilson, Newell to Winans, Jane Reynolds
- Winans, Jane Virginia to Wing, Willis Riley
- Wingard, Viola Emma to Wise, Olive Mae
- Wise, Pierrepont to Wohlrabe, Pauline
- Woidtke, Arthur Frederick to Wood, Bedelia
- Wood, Betsey to Wood, Winnifred C.
- Woodall, (daughter) to Woods, Margaret A.
- Woods, Margaret Oliver to Woodworth, Maude A.
- Woodworth, Maudell to Worrall, William R.
- Worrel, Florence Marie to Wright, Edward Featherston
- Wright, Edwin Lester to Wright, William Lewis
- Wrightington, Judah Hathaway to Yeager, Susan Marie
- Yeagley, Mary to Young, Elsie M.
- Young, Elwood E. to Younker, William Chandos
- Yount, (????) to Zwicky, Michael James
- Zwiebel, Glenn B. to Zwinge, Gretchen